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4 Kitchen Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

Kitchen renovations are as exciting as they can be stressful. While there’s no right way to renovate a kitchen, there are definitely several ways you can go wrong with it.

When you’re investing time, money, and labor into a renovation project, you want to be able to give the best outcome possible.

So, if you want to bring your ideas to life in a kitchen space with a remodeling project that speaks for itself, here are some mistakes to steer clear of:

Wasting Space

Kitchens are a practical workspace where the magic happens. It’s important to utilize the space in a way that makes work more efficient and doesn’t leave you with lots of unused dead space.

Make the most of the space you have with design choices that optimize it. No one wants to walk a mile to make a meal—especially if it’s a commercial kitchen where several chefs are working at the same time.

Instead of wasting space with design elements that don’t serve a practical purpose, designate areas of the kitchen space for specific purposes so you’re utilizing it to the maximum.

Choosing The Wrong Materials

Too often, interior designers and renovators tend to give preference to aesthetic appeal as opposed to functionality. Owing to the frequent use of kitchen cabinets and doors, it’s essential to pick materials that will withstand the wear.

The perfect material isn’t just about what fits into the design aesthetic, it’s about what suits other factors such as cost, functionality, and durability. Premium quality custom clay cabinet and custom steel doors add a modern look to the kitchen while ensuring they won’t wither and damage to frequent usage.

Giving Up Storage Space

kitchen industrial

If there’s one rule to designing or remodeling a kitchen, it’s that there’s nothing such as too much space. Planning ahead for the kitchen’s storage needs ensures there’ll be enough open shelving and pullout shelving to accommodate for all the accessories and appliances that’ll go in them.

Many people wonder whether storage spaces entail unsightly drawers and cupboards but you can take the design element up a notch with sleek cabinets and inserts that seamlessly blend in.


With so many ideas itching to come to life, you can’t be blamed for wanting to add all the design elements to the kitchen you’re renovating. This, however, is a big design NO.

Incorporating dozens of plans into one kitchen space will leave you with a muddled, overdesigned space that feels too crowded. Opt, instead, for a cohesive design that effortlessly flows.

To achieve a classic remodeled kitchen that brings all your design elements to life, make use of custom doors, panels, and cabinets to create a look that is pleasing to the eye and easy to use!

Ikonni specializes in custom cement and lacquered doors, metal and glass cabinet doors, and rustic wood veneer for kitchens all over New York. Our vast catalog of products is made of durability, style, and unparalleled quality.

Take a look at our finished, ready-to-install doors and panels for all your kitchen renovation and remodeling projects.

For more information, get in touch with us by calling at 917-900-7048.



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