As per research, as many as 25,000 people spend a major chunk of their day in their bathrooms. The average man spends about one hour and forty-five minutes in the bathroom per week, while the number stands at an hour and twenty-five minutes for women!
This makes a lot of sense; we rehearse arguments in our bathrooms, sing to ourselves for the duration of our shower, contemplate life decisions, sit back in the tub after a long day, and use them for some me-time.
All of this means that a bathroom’s aesthetic and design matter a lot. Here’s how you can enhance a homeowner’s experience when you’re remodeling their bathroom:
Bathroom design is not all about aesthetics. As a designer, you need to strike a sweet balance between aesthetics and functionality. Cabinets will help you do that.
Cabinets are not only an essential storage option, but also a canvas where designers can express their craft.
If it’s a small bathroom, you can add a couple of cabinets to make the most of the space and optimize its usage. Your clients will want enough room to safely store their bathroom essentials.
While you’re at it, don’t forget to add a custom touch to the cabinets by getting a durable lacquer finish.
Bold colors and bathrooms aren’t really the best combination. Bathrooms are where homeowners take a long relaxing bath at the end of a tiring day at work. Naturally, they want their bathrooms to look calm and comfortable.
Whether you’re choosing a color scheme for the bathroom cabinets or walls, make sure they are ambient and organic. The easiest way to go about this is to choose two light and neutral shades.
If the homeowner is fond of visually pleasing decoration, you can pair these colors with textures and patterns. You can also introduce a bright collection of lights that complement the color scheme.
If the homeowner is fond of bright colors, you can add them without breaking the bank. Just add a bit of orange and blue in the linen, artwork, shelf organizers, or the curtains. These won’t come off as a permanent addition, and won’t kill the vibe either.
Walls that curve inside give off a cozy and personalized feel. It makes the bathroom appear separate from the rest of the room, also bolstering privacy.
From an architectural perspective, curved surfaces bring originality to the room and allow you to zone creatively. A wave-like wall looks strikingly different and catches a visitor’s attention immediately.
Wood paneling looks beautiful, spruces up the bathroom’s look, and at the same time, provides insulation. You don’t have to get the wall reconstructed to make it appear. A custom curved panel will do.
Get in touch with Ikonni for the perfect custom steel doors, custom cabinets, and acoustic wooden panels in NY.